Membership into the club is open to anyone in good standing with the American Kennel Club, whether or not you have dog show experience. If you are interested, please complete and submit the application below.
Once you become a full member, dues are due per year, payable at the beginning of the year.
If you are joining to complete your requirements to become a judge, there is a training fee of $35 required. You may bring a check to your first training assignment or mail us a check for $35. Please advise if you are applying to become a judge.
Provisional Applicants
Once you have applied for membership, you will need to serve a probationary period under experienced stewards. Depending upon your experience shown in the ring, you may serve more or fewer assignments as deemed by the Board.
Review the calendar of shows, pick the ones that you think you can attend and notify the chief steward listed at their email address. Tell the chief that you are new and are volunteering as a provisional.
Please note that while serving your provisional period, you may not show a dog on the day of the show but if you use a handler, please tell us so that we do not put you in that ring for training.
Or, please return completed PDF form below, to:
President , Mid-Atlantic Stewards Assoc.
8519 Chestnut Oak Rd, side, Baltimore, MD 21234-3701.
If you are applying in order to fulfill the AKC requirement to become a judge, please enclose a check for $35.00.